
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Lights Are Blinding My Eyes

Just for the record, we are currently in France, but a lot of stuff happened in London that we didn't get to write about so expect the next couple of posts to be a mix of retroactive London reports and hot off the presses France exposés. This is one of the former.

We were trying our damndest on what was to be our last night in London to find something exciting to do because none of us really got to experience the city to any fulfilling extent, most of the time was spent lamenting over how hard the exchange rate was raping us and figuring out how to get out of there. So we decided to hop a bus to Picadilly Circus, one of the more happening districts, to see what we could find. We wandered around trying to find a club to go to, saw the London New Era Flagship store, and were about to give up when we saw a sizeable crowd qpproaching, this looked promising, so we inquired about their destination, and it turned out to be a large group coming from a hostel headed towards some club. We joined them and Joel was instantly befriended by a fellow named Erik. Erik quizzed Joel about where he thought he was from, Joel guessed England-a wrong answer that was met with the response "Poopy". Turns out he was from Sweden, which was further affirmed when the quite inebriated Erik prompted Joel to come up with villain names for the both of them. The conversation went something like this.
Joel-I don't know
Erik-Like from James Bond


We followed this group led by a short Portuguese man who was somehow able to make everyone around him join the group. We were heckled by other promoters along the way who demanded to know what club we were going to. We finally got there and it was pretty ill, I had a lot of fun dancing till two in the morning, but unfortunately the stars did not align, nor did the weak become heroes. The club was full of the same bullshit as real life where all the girls are attracted to the older guys and the morons. Despite this, it was a lot of fun. More to come soon, this post was created on a French keyboard and costed Glenn two Euros so you had better be happy. Hopefully more posts soon on the following subjects
And much much more!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

London Sucks

Hey everyone, we're currently in London trying to get the fuck out. It's super expensive here, so we're going to book a flight tonight to the mainland. We're thinking either Spain, Germany, or France... Other than it being expensive here, everything is going well. I almost got my ass kicked because I wouldn't give a guy a smoke (because they are super expensive) but I ended up giving him one and he walked away, so whatever. We think we saw some Banksy shit, so that's pretty rad. Well, our next post will be from somewhere on the mainland.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


The reality of leaving is growing, slowly. Three days left in the United States.. I started packing a couple hours ago and got the core of my stuff together; clothes, camera, mp3 player, pocket knife (to insure Adam's popularity in the death poll will not be a waste), sketchbook, etc..

After putting most of it in piles to give me a false sense of organization, it really hit me that these possessions were essentially going to be everything I own for a really, really, long period of time. The temptation to pack up my computer is punching me in the eye socket. As sad as it sounds, I get this feeling like I'm missing out every time I go a day without checking my usual four websites;,,, and Facebook. Even with a 12 hour plane flight still between me and my new home, I expect the surreal feeling of getting off the plane, looking at our crew and optimistically saying "Now what?" to be a Kodak moment.. but with audio. Maybe a Sony DSR-VX2100 moment instead.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My Passport on Pivot

Proud member of the European Union

I aint dead yet

Since i am killing the "first to die in Europe" poll, I am interested in how the folks out there think i am gonna die. There are a lot of possibilities out there, but i plan on going out like a king, and that king is M.L.K. Trying cocaine once waking up in a gutter outside a brothel in Russia in time to see the car that is running over my face. So lets get some viewer participation on the site and lets see how Dr. Science(Adam) is gonna get snuffed. Badgers, terrorists, mugging, tell me what you think.

By the way i have created a rating system that contains three different levels of posting status from me. Thumbs down= sober, Mid. level= drunk, Thumbs up= Trashed.

In the recent words of Kanye West, "We outta here baby".

Monday, September 17, 2007

It's possible..?

One of our problems eventually is going to be a shortage of money.. and a shortage of food. I estimate this will happen in about 3 months or a little less if we don't work at all. Joel and I agreed that we would all shrivel to bone and flesh with the exception of Brendan due to him eating all of our food while the rest of us are intoxicated. His swollen, meaty fingers would shovel anything edible into his gaping pit of a mouth yet still careful not to spill on the Nikes. A thick, rich sauce would roll from one chin to the next before the fabric of his shirt would finally end it. Anyway, I think this trip could eventually lead to a Darwinist attitude towards hunger. The picture is a concept of what this might look like if Brendan was doing well in the struggle.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Well, we're still in Sandpoint, but not for much longer. Thank God. We work, sit at the fountain, eat, smoke (except Brendan), and sleep. Sandpoint is super neat when no one is here. We're going up to Canada on the 23rd and our plane leaves on the 24th. We're all trying to get our shit together, but just like everything else in our lives we procrastinate until the last possible second. But whatever... fuck it.

If you're reading this you probably know who we are, but we decided to put this little roster up just in case some random humans come across this blog and decide to give a shit and want to know who we are. So, if our crappy plane doesn't crash on the way, my next post should be straight outta London. Peace out. Homies...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Homeless, Cardboard Cribs

Our initial plan on arriving in London was to stay with my Aunt for a couple of days to get situated and decide where we wanted to go next. The idea that we had a free place to stay in London was always valid ammunition to battle the naysayers who insisted that we "couldn't make it" and it would be "too expensive" etc. etc. If nothing else it was a place to leave all of our stuff and tell customs agents that we were going.


that has all gone to shit.

There was some medical emergency with my aunt, so as of right now we are homeless(when we get there).
Yeah, like this guy

Hopefully we will get it all figured out, we are kinda sorta in the process of looking for Hostels to stay in. Thumbs up to the naysayers though, I guess you guys got it right so far.
