This weekend Brendan, Jonnie (Brendan's brother), and I decided to make a little excursion to a tiny town called Belmonte to see a castle. So we took a bus and arrived there at about 5 P.M. We saw the castle in the distance, so we walked through the town, up the hill, to the castle. On the way the only people that we saw were groups of children doing random crap like dropping rocks on the street. We talked to one group of children that asked us where we were from, to which Brendan replied the U.S. then one of the kids called us liars in spanish. As you very well know we are from America, but for some reason they didn't believe us, then the kid said something about Homer Simpson, then we went our separate ways. We made it up to the castle only to find that it's closed for the winter season... So we walked around it and found a place that we could climb the castle wall, so Jonnie and I climbed up, but it was raining a little bit, so when Brendan's turn came the rock was really slippery so he couldn't get up. Jonnie and I checked walked around for a bit inside the wall and decided it was the sweetest fucking thing ever. Then we used Brendan's shoulders as a stool, and got back down off the wall and walked back down into the town. We walked around the town for a while then went to the bus stop to see when the next bus was... According to our interpretation of the bus schedule the next bus was at 6:30 A.M. So basically, we were screwed.
Throughout the rest of this post there are a lot of instances of us walking through the city of Belmonte for periods of time ranging from 30 minutes to an hour. So I'm going to just say WALKED to take up less time. So, when we found out we had 12 hours to kill until the next bus so we WALKED.
It was dark now, and the castle was illuminated by giant lights that we figured were automatic, due to the state of the castle inside the walls (Didn't look like there was much upkeep during the winter months). So we walked back up to the castle, found an easier place to scale the wall, scaled it... Then, we used an old bed frame as a ladder to climb onto the innner wall of the castle. We all made it up and we walked around the castle for quite a while. It was rad. Just the feeling of standing somewhere where people used to stand a long time ago is kind of a cool feeling. The city lights looked amazing from the viewpoint we had. Pretty much everything was perfect. We found a place to sit by the gate and just sat there, feeling awesome. While we were sitting there we heard a car, thinking it was just another car driving by on the road at the bottom of the hill we didn't do anything. Then Jonnie looked out of an arrow slit and saw the car parking at the front of the gate and said, "Oh shit." So we ran. We ran back to the place that we climbed in, jumped down, and ran down the hill. We relaxed a little after we thought about it, we figured it was just someone going up there to make out or something. Then Brendan turned around and the lights on the castle were off, then we heard yelling, then (we think) we saw someone running by the wall we just climbed down. So we ran again, this time into the city.
We eventually found a bar that served food that was open so we went in, got some sandwhiches and killed as much time as we could just to be out of the cold. After about an hour or two we...
It was about midnight by now, and we were pretty tired, so we went to a park and found a dry spot under a tree and took a nap. That lasted about an hour then we all got really cold, so we WALKED.
Eventually we got tired again, so we went to the bus stop and tried to sleep a little bit, but it was getting really cold. None of us brought any super warm clothes because we thought we were going to be out for a couple hours then go home. And we got really cold again. So we squeezed into a phone booth to warm up. But the phone booth had a ton of vents and openings, so it didn't work very well. So we got the great idea of insulating the phone booth with cardboard. We put cardboard on the floor, over every hole, and a big one over the door to block the opening. Right as we were starting to sit down the policia drove by. Stopped. Came back. Got out of the car. And asked us what the hell we were doing. Luckily Brendan and Jonnie are really good at Spanish, so they explained our situation, they asked us where we were from, the usual repetition of Idaho commenced.
Cops - "Where are you from"
Us - "Idaho"
Cops - "Ohio?"
Us - "No, Idaho."
Cops - "Iowa?"
Us - "No, Idaho, it's next to Washington."
Cops - "Oh."
Brendan told them that we live in Madrid and that Jonnie wsa just visiting us etc. Then they asked, "You live in Madrid?"
Brendan - "Yeah, we're students."
Cops - "What are you studying?"
Brendan - "Spanish."
Luckily they bought it and didn't ask for proof.
After that, they showed us the bus schedule and explained that the next bus was at 3:45 P.M. So our countdown went from like 3 hours back up to 9 hours. We weren't too stoked about this news. They then told us that there are more buses going to Madrid from a town that was about 5 miles away. We asked how we could get there and they didn't know. So Jonnie asked, "Can we walk?"
Cops - "That's pretty far."
Jonnie - "It's not that far."
Cops - "Ok, but it's dangerous."
Jonnie - "Oh, Ok."
So, the cops left without mentioning our cardboard lined phone booth again, and without helping us in any way.
We took the cardboard down anyways, and used it as a seat and kind of a blanket inside the bus stop and tried to sleep again. But of course, we got cold as shit again so we WALKED. We talked about walking to the next town but realized we had no idea where the next town was, so we decided sticking it out in a city would be better than getting lost on a highway through gigantic fields.
We eventually came back gathered our cardboard and set it up as a bed in a corner of a building that blocked the wind. We spooned on our cardboard mattress under our cardboard blanket for an hour or so, then, guess what happend...? We got cold again. Brendan and I couldn't feel our feet. So we WALKED.
On our walk we managed to find a sign that pointed towards the town we wanted to go to. It was about 7:30 A.M. at this point and the bus was supposedly leaving to Madrid at 9:05. So talked about it for a while, couldn't decide if we thought we could make it or not, then we just started walking just to see how bad it would be. We decided it wouldn't be that bad, so we kept walking. Keep in mind that we had barely any sleep, had been walking all night, and were cold.
We tried hitchhiking, but it didn't work. I thought Karma would be good to me after all the hitchhikers I've picked up.
Fuck Karma.
We kept looking at the time every time we reached a kilometer marker, and kept finding out that we were getting more and more behind schedule. But we kept walking. Luckily the highway was a perfectly straight line from Belmonte, and not dangerous at all. We finally came over a hill and saw the city. It was 9:00. We found the bus stop at 9:05, and the Bus to Madrid arrived right on time. It was beautiful.
We got back to our apartment ready to tell Glenn what the hell happend because we figured he was just sitting there all night wondering what happend to us. But we got back and he wasn't at the apartment, then he rang up a little bit later. When he got up he told us that he locked his keys in the apartment the night before, so he was in pretty the same situation we were in. However, he got a much better deal. He went to a club that we go to fairly often in Alcala that is pretty small, so we see a lot of the same people everytime we go there. He got drunk, found a girl that we had met a while ago, met her parents, they got drunker, they offered to let him stay in their hotel room with them. He eventually accepted. So while we were sleeping on cardboard, Glenn was sleeping in a bed with this girl and her parents...
Hope everyone had a good Christmas.