Since i am killing the "first to die in Europe" poll, I am interested in how the folks out there think i am gonna die. There are a lot of possibilities out there, but i plan on going out like a king, and that king is M.L.K. Trying cocaine once waking up in a gutter outside a brothel in Russia in time to see the car that is running over my face. So lets get some viewer participation on the site and lets see how Dr. Science(Adam) is gonna get snuffed. Badgers, terrorists, mugging, tell me what you think.
By the way i have created a rating system that contains three different levels of posting status from me. Thumbs down= sober, Mid. level= drunk, Thumbs up= Trashed.
In the recent words of Kanye West, "We outta here baby".
i hope you fuckers do die, my father trained in the millitary, the american military, he never fought... but he trained with the best in the world, i bet none of you assholes have had a relative in the service like me. so good, leave america, just do us a favor and never come back, you dont deserve this fine country, i hope my fathers military friends bomb you all!!!
For the record, I'm not an anti-American, I'm just an asshole.
Whoa, Settle down Dr. Patriot. It's just a symbol of us leaving for the most part.. and we flip off a lot of stuff. I do however get this nice, warm feeling inside knowing that we can ruin your day with a photograph. And it would be pretty badass to go out in a giant, epic explosion. So by all means, if you have the hookups let me know and maybe we can work something out. :)
That first comment is bullshit. I bet you it was Robert or someone like that. At any rate, Adam will die from massive blood loss. He will stumble into some back alley completely wasted. He will then be stabbed by a crack addict twice in the stomach before being pushed back out into the street. It is night time, and will therefore be pushed into a street cleaning vehicle. After being put through the sweepers, he will be thrown against the curb to bleed out his existance while a feral cat chews on his ear.
First poster is Jon Monks
In response to the question posed
Thanks Oregon Trail
Have a great time!!!
Hope all goes well, and that you dont get raped by a gang banger foreign midget with sharp teeth.
LOve you guys
Who the hell is JJ?
JJ?...Jazzy Jon?...Holy shit, Will was right.
You won't die... dude... you have to come back and I can put my wiener on your back.
For the record, I don't even like the poll! I'm pretty sure destiny has you and I written on it, so return safely to me my Romeo!!!
If you don't die with a bottle in your hand I'm going to shit on your grave. That's assuming that someone actually finds your dead body.
Fuck the police!
Thanks for impersonating me, but you really should realize that you are doing it completely wrong. If anyone was truly trying to pretend it was me, they should know that it was the motha fuckin vamp that did it bitches, so suck a cock you whore.
Oh ya, and my father actually did fight in vietnam, so piss off queer.
I fucking love you adam... i havent talked to you in a coons age... and not like a racoon..you know,. the other kind... have fun in europe man.. by the way..how are you guys posting shit?
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