Well, we're still in Sandpoint, but not for much longer. Thank God. We work, sit at the fountain, eat, smoke (except Brendan), and sleep. Sandpoint is super neat when no one is here. We're going up to Canada on the 23rd and our plane leaves on the 24th. We're all trying to get our shit together, but just like everything else in our lives we procrastinate until the last possible second. But whatever... fuck it.
If you're reading this you probably know who we are, but we decided to put this little roster up just in case some random humans come across this blog and decide to give a shit and want to know who we are. So, if our crappy plane doesn't crash on the way, my next post should be straight outta London. Peace out. Homies...
Hahahah, this boy is so special. You guys should invite him on the trip. He would make a great addition.
Joel is the hottest.... But I really do like Brock's shirt... and uh... glasses...
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