
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Can´t Tell Me Nothin

The following post is dedicated to the naysayers. It has been crafted in memory of all of the snarky comments insisting that we would be back in a month. This one goes out to every by the book know-it-all who was somehow affiliated with some esoteric knowledge of Europe that insisted that there was no way we could ever find jobs.

All of these people are idiots.

After about a week here in Spain we all have jobs, the five us are now English professors.

Game us, naysayers kill yourselves.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations men. It looks like you could give the proverbial "Ugly American" a bad name. Which would be a good thing. Where was the picture taken?

Judy and Liam said...

hi guys,
congratulations from us also. you've obviously earned what you've learned. and now through your learning you'll be earning. exit the land of bullshit-enter the land of bullfights.
liam and judy

Evan Holbert said...

two words:
W00t w00t!

Ponce said...

congrats from here too. Brendan this is hilarious keep it up

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Now, is this your actual apartament, or is it fake like your labcoats?

Anonymous said...

Damn, that is the essence of ill.

MamaKelly said...

damn...its only cuz you speak english, and yes, i am jealous, and a dumb naysayer. you win i guess. shit.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to click on the picture to get a better view because my eyes are bleeding, however it acts like it's going to get bigger, but it never does. It's a bullshit anchor tag.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Well done boys, well done. You, 2 points. wolrd 0 Points. way to show em.

Anonymous said...

Brendan, you're gonna have to coach the rest of your crew in English.

Darren said...

Hey that's sweet guys. Brendan and Joel use those English skills we learned in Biddle's class. JK more like a lack of learning in that class. Also Brendan you should introduce them to the "Possibility of Evil" by the A-Team. I know you remember that shit from Tibbs English class freshman year. HAHA Good times. Have fun boys.

Anonymous said...

Nice guys. That's awesome.

Clayton Wang said...

badical extreme. my english teacher told me to fuck off a few weeks ago. quite an amazing man. maybe you should try teaching with the same style to the little Spain kids. P.S. this weekend a few buddies and i went to moscow and ended the trip with being pulled over on the way back. funny story....3 CITATIONS JUST FOR ME! minor in possession of alcohol. possession of a controlled substance. possession of drug paraphernalia. ISN'T THAT EXCITING? hope all is swell and well. adios babes

Clayton Wang said...

Brendan you are the equivalent of Herman Melville when it comes to writing. BUT...a little mixing up would be interesting too...quit your slacking Adam and Brock. I'm curious about the legacy through the eyes of you both. Anyways, hope all is swell as usual. P.S. I talked to a officer about the charges and I should be able to get the 2 drug possession charges dropped completely considering how i didn't have anything to do with them at all. Now the MIP might be a different story. I will keep you guys posted if you would like me too. Although if you are tired of hearing about American bullshit, just tell me to fuck off. Adios.