"Baby Face". A name i was given against my will. I had long been awaiting the day that i would be able to come back with a name for my two main hecklers, Glenn and Brendan. The day has come.
Brendan's new name came about yesterday while having dinner with
Glenn's fine elderly relatives.
Jacques is a man of few
English words, but he loves to point out the fact that Brendan
doesn't drink or smoke at every meal. He usually says something along the lines of, "You no drink wine, you no drink coffee, you no smoke. You are a poor man." But i digress. So we were sitting at the table and
Jacques looks to Brendan and he looks as though he is trying to tell him something and he tries to say things but all that comes out it is broken indiscernible
English. Finally
Jacques gives up trying to say what he wants and leaves the room to retrieve a visual aid. he returns with a CD case and shows Brendan the back of it and points to the picture of Garfunkel and says "This is you!" and then proceeds to let out his large infectious laugh. This is the picture, so guess which one is Brendan.
Jacques also named
Brendan Water Monger because of
Brendan's lack of drinking
alcohol leaving water as his only option at meals.
Now as for Glenn, he has a much shorter story. I was trying to explain the face that Glenn gets after too much alcohol. It is hard to explain, but it is kind of like he's very content with something he just did. Like he did something slightly funny, but not funny enough to provoke all out laughter, just a nice smirk on his face. It appears that his head is to heavy for his neck to support. His eyes randomly shift and focus from point to point but never seem to acknowledge one certain thing. He just looks really drowsy, like he smoked a brick of weed. The Best Term I could come up with was Goo Face. It's something the whole group hates to see, but Glenn has been known to drink a bit of alcohol in his day. I would honestly rather fuck a badger with AIDS then see his shitty goo face but its a burden we must all bear. Here is the best example i have ever seen.
funny thing is that is exactly what glenn does when he gets drunk...exactly.....amazing specimen of new photographic knowledge
Fucking LesRumRight.
The picture of "The Hawk Man" as i call him is honestly and exact replica of glenns face when he is drunk. We all shit our pants laughing when we saw the picture. It is grossly accurate.
That is an amazing resemblance
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