
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Madrid is weird

So we´re in Madrid, haven´t really done much. But since we´ve been here I´ve seen some weird shit. Tons of people have dreads, which isn´t that weird until you´re looking at a guy that has a normal haircut, then he turns around and reveals like 5 dreads dangling right above his ass. Then this morning I was standing on the balcony of our hostel and I saw to cops on mopeds run into eachother, yell a little bit, then drive up a really steep hill, which was pretty sweet because they we´re going really slow because their mopeds sucked ass. Then, a little bit later, Adam, Brock, and I saw a clown dragging a suitcase on wheels cross the street then enter a building. Then, not long after I saw a midget. My hopes are high in regards to at least seeing some sweet shit while we´re here.


Anonymous said...
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MamaKelly said...

what the fuck is this^? anyways, joel, since you're already planning to grow out your hair to an ungodly length, you should dred it. It would be dead sexy.

Anonymous said...

fucking spam. I hope you guys can delete that shit. and dreads would.... make you look like a hobo. which would be sweet as well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for spam bots!

Anonymous said...

So, what's the deal with the teaching gig you guys lined up?

Unknown said...

Yeah I was wondering about the teaching thing too. And did the clown and midget have anything to do with each other? That would have been cooler.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a weid dream or a weir acid trip. One or the other. Either way sounds fun. Be safe though sounds alos like a bad trip/dream.

brendan said...

We are all sitting in the internet cafe in Madrid right now trying to get some more posts up but we can´t even load pictures on these piece of shit computers. Hopefully a lot more content will soon pour out of the Internet´s ever flowing series of tubes. Since we have spam bots does that officially mean that, in the words of Ye and Nas, we major? Autry, good work spelling weird incorrectly twice, and in two different ways, in one sentence.

Judy and Liam said...

Brendan, please check your email for some info about a cousin of yours in Spain.
more later,

Clayton Wang said...

ever flowing series of tubes.....i hope that is quoted for ages and that he never lives it down. autry...i love you and you're a brilliant idiot.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Brendan, it's not that I can't spell, I just can't type. Remember freshman year in keyboarding. Yeah still can't type.

Anonymous said...

What were the spambots trying to sell? I want whatever it was plz repost plz k thx