
Friday, November 2, 2007


So it's been a while since we were in Biarritz, but we didn't get the opportunity to post anything about it, so I am now. Biarritz was the shit basically. We sat on the beach all day, we slept on the beach at night, went swimming in the ocean, saw titties (old titties are gross), drank beer on the beach, what more could you ask for? (Besides the old tits part). Brock was supposed to make the post about the karaoke bar that we went to, but he didn't so I'm doing it for him. Brock wanted Glenn and me to sing some karaoke, so he bought both of us a beer then picked a song...

"Barbie Girl" by Aqua

Pretty much Glenn and I made jackasses of ourselves (more so than the people that were actually trying to sing karaoke well) We screwed up the song in multiple places, I rocked the shit out of the oooos and yeahs and ahhhs while Glenn sat there laughing trying at random times to make a ken voice and occasionally he tried to sing some of the words that appeared on the screen, but over all (and I feel like a jackass saying this in a post because I'm writing it) I rocked the shit out of Glenn, and I wouldn't have said anything, but everyone else agreed that Glenn sucks at karaoke.

But yeah, Biarritz was amazing. So here are some pictures that sum up our experience there fairly well.


Anonymous said...

List of things that are awesome: Oceans, Aqua, and Brock's unwillingness to use a computer.

Clayton Wang said...

haha i agree with sam more awesome aspect...joel's beautiful photos. love them. relaxing on beach drinking brews and playing in the surf sounds amazing. does brendan just drink a hell of a lot of water or has he picked up a favorite european drink?

Joel said...

haha, if only Brendan picked up a favorite european drink, he drinks soda and shit. And just to make it clear, those pictures are Glenns, my battery is dead, and I´m getting my charger sent soon. Fuck. I´m drunk. Balls. Periods are cool. Later yo´s.

Clayton Wang said...

holy shit...i was getting back on your blog right now just to tell you that you should have your parents send you your charger and some salsa...thats funny stuff........and everyone....replace joel's name with glenn's in my comment 2 above this

Anonymous said...

i dont care what you guys say, im still not going to use a computer

Anonymous said...

Brock this may be hard to believe but computers aren't evil. their just tools.

MamaKelly said...

joel looks so cute in his karaoke stance.

Glenn said...

Kareoke is like a sport that you love to watch but hate playing. My real ambition was just to get joel up there. After that, as far as I´m concerned, my work was done :)

Anonymous said...

you think what you want, but when the computers take over and im in pennsylvania with the amish re-populating the world and creating an army of "super-users" to destroy all technology, you will all think back on it all and the last words out of your mouths right before you get "plugged in" will be: "oh god a computer is about to take my brain, maby brock, aka. "the other "one"", was right!!!". think about it, computers, or amish, the choice is yours.
sincerely, Brock aka "the other "one""

Unknown said...

Holy shit I feel sorry for anyone learning to speak English with you as an example.

brendan said...

Glenn, that emoticon deserves a ¨no homo¨ after it.

Glenn said...

*no homo