
Sunday, April 20, 2008

A night in the north

Alright, long time with no post, I know.

Even if there is no post up, just assume I am still carrying out basic traditions the five of us had always done since the day the crew interrupted Spain's delicately balanced society. Most of my time is still consumed by a job so whatever pieces of time I can muster together I travel. March offered "Semana Santa" or spring break which carried me to Rome (amazing) and Barcelona (Just thought about Rome). This is basically just a post on a recent venture for a short duration of time.

I believe (yes 'believe' because I am probably wrong) it is safe to say that almost every European country has its own stereotype for culture and cuisine. I made a little chart, dope huh?

Okay, not all these stereotypes are accurate but pretty close. For me to pick a favorite just out of this small sample would form clusters of cancer cells in my brain.

Worth it, I pick Belgium.

Displaying an assortment of British, French, German and I guessing... umm Belgium (?) architecture, you start to grasp the answers of why Brussels is the capital of the European Union. In the heart of Belgium, smells grip every fiber that allow you to smell and focuses it on their Waffles. It doesn't matter what you were doing at the time, when the scent of these majestic goddesses (waffles) float gracefully on small air currents reach you, you could possibly become the most manipulative, abusive, selfish human ever. You will do horrible, unforgivable things to get one of these waffles in your greedy, trembling hands. The common way to do so is simply fork over the 2.50 Euros, get your caramel, cream, and strawberry coated waffle and not have to run from your shameful past.

Brussels has two main languages; Flemish and French. Both required to properly describe a single piece of chocolate.

When a country is upset and depressed about their failing economy and tremendous crime rates topped with over inflated housing markets, grandma Belgium would simply step in with her jolly red cheeks and a fresh tray of warm comforting chocolates and gently suggest that, "Everything will be alright." (and it will be)

An eating competition in Belgium would kill every participant. Not one would die unsatisfied of his or her life.

Cocaine has a nonidentical twin. Sold legally and fair priced. Waffles.

'Once you pop the fun don't stop!' f*** off pringles, you tourist of taste.

I have only been home from Belgium for about 2 hours now and I have thought multiple times about paying for my next trip there. Perhaps the only thing keeping my cursor off the ticket purchase link is my last 250g's of chocolate by my side. Brussels, I will return someday to your waffle presses of gold, your knowledge and understanding of true flavor and your neglect of not sharing such riches with me at an earlier age.

We saw God standing at the Brussels airport security entrance with an acceptance list. Eating chocolate.

Unfortunately we were only in Brussels for a night.

I've read the Horan.

*Mark Horan

I no longer feel like constructing a post out of this. Main events are as follows.

Couch surfers from Salt Lake City, Utah show up. With them is Mark Horan (x-mormon). Mark Horan went on a 2 year mission for the Mormon church and had never drank anything before coming to Europe.

First night (At our apartment, not Europe)-

We drink. We play chess. I go to bed. Mark Horan has a push up competition with himself. Mark Horan loses. Mark Horan throws up and then sleeps in the bathroom.

Second night -

We drink. We play chess. We all have a push up competition. Mark Horan loses. We go to a disco. Mark Horan drinks more. MarkHoran appears in such videos as this. (I have to wait to upload the video)

Third night -

We drink. We play chess. Mark Horan sings to Avril Lavigne on video. Mark Horan drinks more. Mark Horan calls everybody gay for a couple hours. Mark Horan drinks more. Mark Horan slides on our wood floor head first into the corner of a table. Mark Horan is dragged into the bathroom. Mark Horan throws up and then sleeps in the bathroom.

He is called Mark Horan.

Mark Horan makes an appearance in the following pictures.