
Sunday, April 20, 2008

I've read the Horan.

*Mark Horan

I no longer feel like constructing a post out of this. Main events are as follows.

Couch surfers from Salt Lake City, Utah show up. With them is Mark Horan (x-mormon). Mark Horan went on a 2 year mission for the Mormon church and had never drank anything before coming to Europe.

First night (At our apartment, not Europe)-

We drink. We play chess. I go to bed. Mark Horan has a push up competition with himself. Mark Horan loses. Mark Horan throws up and then sleeps in the bathroom.

Second night -

We drink. We play chess. We all have a push up competition. Mark Horan loses. We go to a disco. Mark Horan drinks more. MarkHoran appears in such videos as this. (I have to wait to upload the video)

Third night -

We drink. We play chess. Mark Horan sings to Avril Lavigne on video. Mark Horan drinks more. Mark Horan calls everybody gay for a couple hours. Mark Horan drinks more. Mark Horan slides on our wood floor head first into the corner of a table. Mark Horan is dragged into the bathroom. Mark Horan throws up and then sleeps in the bathroom.

He is called Mark Horan.

Mark Horan makes an appearance in the following pictures.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, I think Mark Horan would get along nicely with Kelly.

Unknown said...

When Mormoms go bad, they go all-the-way bad

Clayton Wang said...

haha mark horan sounds like a hell of a man

Glenn said...

clayton, please address mark as MARK HORAN or Mark Horan or even MH if you are feeling under the weather and lazy. Only ¨mark¨ will not do.

Clayton Wang said...

glenn...i included his last are a jackass