Always in security I have something removed from my bag. Usually I will just throw in shampoo or shaving cream in hopes they don't care. They always care.

My flight is about the same as always. Anyone flying with a budget and fairly long legs is destined for a few uncomfortable hours and sore knees on arrival.
I finally touch ground in London.
Next routine is the arrival. Easy. I get off the plane. I walk out of the airport. Only.. I forgot that England had immigration officers. I was just looking for the exit and then I saw that everyone was filling out landing cards and then taking their place in line. Almost everything went to the line for EU citizens. I think one other person besides myself went to the Foreigners line. He was first. He handed the man his passport and his landing card, participated in some idle chat and proceeded through to the United Kingdom.
My turn.
I was barely paying attention. I had one headphone in and was searching my pockets for my boarding card while he was looking at my passport. He begins:
Officer: So what is your purpose for this visit?
Me: Visiting a friend for the weekend.
Officer: And where are you going after that?
Me: Back to Spain.
Officer: And when was the last time you were in your country. It says here it was in September.

I didn't say anything for a little bit. I had COMPLETELY forgotten I was not supposed to be in Europe at this point. All the other countries I traveled to never checked my passport for more than a few seconds. It was to the point where I didn't even think about it anymore. I'm sure my eyes grew wide and my knees weak. My heart started beating as if I had just ran a race. By this point I had gotten very little sleep the entire week (probably 4 - 5 hours a night), woke up at 6:30 am to go to work for eight hours, wait in the airport for another six, fly for three hours and somehow make it off the plane awake but staggering a bit. I look like hell and my throat was instantly dry. I tried to pull the "act ignorant" thing in hopes he doesn't notice.
Me: (coughing to clear my throat) Uhh.. I think.. September 24th I believe.
Officer: September 25th. You know you are only supposed to be in Europe for three months out of the year. (he's holding my passport and going through all the stamps during this questioning.)
Me: What?!? I kind of give a little awkward laugh at the situation.
Officer: Why are you laughing? You think this is funny?
Me: No, of course not. It's just very surprising to me. ( I am trying to speak as properly as possible)
Officer: Can I see your ticket?
Me: I don't have a ticket. (All I have is a confirmation number on my phone)
Officer: You don't have a ticket?
Me: Well my booking is online. I can show you if you have internet
Officer: Does it look like I have access to internet where I am?
Me: No but..
Officer: What have you been doing to fund these travels of yours?
Me: Well I was visiting some friends and..
Officer: Where do you get your money!?
Me: Over the summer I..
Officer: What do you do for money!?
Me: I have been saving money for..
Officer: Tell me what you do for money.
Okay he wins.
Me: I.. teach English. In a school and private in-home classes.
Officer: So you have been in Europe illegally for six months and working illegally? Do you know this is a serious offense? Do you think that just because you are an American you can do whatever you want?
Me: No I don't and I had no idea. No one told me about this. This is all new to me. Really.
Officer: You didn't bother to check into the laws of a place you were traveling to? That's a bit irresponsible isn't it? Any time I would THINK to travel somewhere I would make sure I at least knew the laws of my destination and have a printed ticket of my flights. What is your friend here doing? Is she working here Illegally as well?
Me: No, she is studying here for 5 weeks.
Officer: Can you give me any sort of reason not to send you back to your own country as soon as possible?
Me: No, I can't.
Officer: Do you know what would happen if I were to be in the United States over the allowed time and try to fly back? They would have me in handcuffs and a jail before I would know why and soon after deport me.
Me: I understand. I am not in much favor of the United States practices in traveling as well. I know that.. (he kept cutting off my sentences..)
Officer: There is a flight leaving back to Madrid in one hour. Why should you not be on that flight?
THANK GOD!!!!!! As much as it would suck to spend a lot of money and just end up flying back to Madrid, this made me really happy. I assumed it would be a sign that at the very most he would not deport me to the United States in handcuffs. After this my heart returned to beating at its normal pace.
Me: I.. don't know. (This is no joke, we are staring directly into each others eyes and I am trying to look as modest as possible with a hint of unsureness and fear.)
After a couple seconds...
Officer: Well, you are lucky this time. The United Kingdom is a bit more liberal than the states. I will give you (stamps hard on my passport) one week in this country and I hope you are out of here before then.
Me: Thank you sir.

By this time, this man and myself were the only people left in this giant room of the airport. It was nearly 2:45 am (I guess only 1:45 British time). I still had to find a place to convert Euros to Pounds, Take a train to Central London, Figure out public transportation ( I had an old underground map but even with that it is quite a bit different than the Madrid metro that I am used to), find my hostel and pray to the son of Apollo that it was not closed until morning. Apollo granted my prayer and my hostel happened to have an internet cafe open 24/7. I shared a room with 20 other people.
The next day went a lot smoother. It was awesome seeing Bailey for the first time in almost a year. Of course we each had a lot to talk about and it was overwhelming. As soon as I met up with her she informed me about a meeting she had just returned from with her flatmate. She said she got our names on the VIP list to the Ministry of Sound. A world-renowned club where top Dj's got their big break. It was incredible. A welcome compensation to my previous 24 hours.
Ministry of Sound VIP